Cold Water - More Than A Fad

Over the last few years, more and more people have been 'doing' cold water exposure; to the point that there have even been celebrity TV shows about it.

Shannon and I first came across 'cold water' when training for triathlons in our wetsuits. Though technically not cold and we were in our wetsuit it certainly was a change from following a black line at the bottom of a heated pool in London's Zone 2.

It's only really been since 2016 when our regular open water swimming season started to stretch earlier, and then later, into the season that we really started to appreciate the benefit of cold water. It's also worth noting that as we got into the water earlier and later in the season, time time spent in the water got shorter.

Ways to 'Get' Cold Water

Cold water therapy can take several different forms depending on what you have access to. If you don't live near the sea or have a cold water tank nearby you can still get the benefits of cold water exposure at home.

If you regularly follow My Life Tonic on social media or read our blogs you'll see that we like to offer ways, or small changes, that are accessible to all that can change the way we feel. Ultimately, by changing the way we feel and help us feel more on top of things, productive or in a better space.

Ultimately - cold water is still cold water.

  • Shower
  • Cold Bath
  • Sea
  • River or Lake
  • Ice bath or Tub

From a safety perspective, wherever you are able to get your cold water fix - please do be safe. Certainly when you are starting out, do make sure someone is there to help or supervise you. If you are going outside, finding locations where there are life guards on hand to watch and support you makes the most sensible option.

Start by being in the cold water for about 30 seconds. Build up the length of time you spend in the cold water, over time. As with any new habit - start small and build up gradually.

Spending up to 11 minutes in cold water a week can lead to the benefits listed below.

10 benefits of cold water therapy (or exposure)

  1. Improved Circulation: Cold water causes blood vessels to constrict, which helps improve overall blood flow and circulation once the body warms up again.
  2. Reduced Muscle Soreness: Cold water immersion helps reduce inflammation and muscle soreness after intense physical activity, promoting faster recovery.
  3. Boosted Immune Function: Exposure to cold water can increase the production of white blood cells and boost the immune system, helping the body fight off infections more effectively.
  4. Enhanced Mental Clarity: Cold water stimulates the release of norepinephrine, a hormone and neurotransmitter that improves focus and mental clarity.
  5. Increased Energy Levels: The invigorating effect of cold water can provide a natural energy boost and reduce feelings of fatigue.
  6. Improved Mood: Cold water exposure triggers the release of endorphins, which are natural mood enhancers that can help reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety.
  7. Enhanced Skin and Hair Health: Cold water helps to close pores and tighten the skin, reducing the appearance of pores and giving skin a smoother look. It also strengthens hair follicles, resulting in shinier and healthier hair.
  8. Stress Reduction: Cold water immersion activates the parasympathetic nervous system, promoting relaxation and reducing stress levels.
  9. Weight Loss and Metabolism Boost: Cold water exposure stimulates brown fat activity, which burns calories to generate heat, potentially aiding in weight loss and increasing metabolism.
  10. Pain Relief: Cold water acts as a natural analgesic, numbing nerve endings and providing relief from pain and inflammation.

Whatever your motivation, I'd like to think that at least one of the above may resonate with you.

When running our Yoga + Cold Water + Sauna sessions below, it is perhaps the cold water element where people get the most immediate buzz or feedback. It maybe this initial buzz that gives students the feedback mechanism they need to come back week after week.

Over time, the buzz continues and people may recognise some of the other benefits too - whilst also becoming more atuned with a regular yoga practice and the benefits that also brings.

Yoga + Cold Water + Sauna sessions

You can either join a class or we can find a time for a private 121 session. If you'd prefer a private session with a group of friends then we can find a time that works for you.

Each of the sessions are 60 minutes long and includes, Breathwork and yoga for the first 30 minutes followed by 2 rounds of cold water and a a sauna. Each class has a maximum of 6 people.

  • Tuesday afternoon @ 12 noon
  • Thursday Mornings @ 0830
  • Friday afternoon @ 12 noon

I've found that offering both yoga + cold water + sauna session have proven popular with a wide range of people. In some cases, people come for the sauna and cold water but then also get to experience the benefits of regular yoga an stretching. Sometimes it can take time to feel the rewards of a regular yoga practice, whilst students immediately experience the benefit of a cold water dip and sauna.

Ultimately, whatever the motivation of a student, the mixed sessions offer multiple ways for an individual to feel 'better'.

If you'd like to find out more, please do get in touch.

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