Experience the benefits of our combined sessions of yoga, cold water therapy and a sauna.

Our 60 minute sessions have proved popular encouraging people to be physically active, focus on breathwork, followed by the energizing impact of the cold tub and sauna.

Come give it a try!

We offer 'open' weekly classes, one-to-one and private group sessions.

Each class there's a maximum of 6 people per class.

Yoga + Cold Tub + Sauna


Move to warm the body and core muscle groups up, whilst focusing on your breathing in preparation for the cold water. We focus on enhancing your muscle flexibility and joint mobility in this vinyasa flow class.

Read our blog - Benefits of Contrast Therapy

What are the benefits of the session?

Cold Water

Clear the mind, activate the brown fat to generate heat, stimulate your metabolism, aid muscle recovery and reduce chronic pain...and feel energized for the rest of the day. Need I say more?

Read our blog - 10 Benefits of Cold Water


Reduce your stress levels, sleep better, rid the body of toxins, aid muscle recovery and ultimately relax is a digital free space. Sounds blissful doesn't it.

Read our blog - 10 Benefits of Saunas

Our weekly sessions follow the format below, ending with a warm drink to finish off with.

Yoga + Cold Water + Sauna

Flow Yoga

30 mins

Get the body moving, and the blood flowing as you warm your key muscle groups up, with a 30 minute vinyasa flow session. The yoga is top and tailed with breathwork exercises that will prepare you for the cold water dip. In the summer we'll do the yoga out on the deck overlooking Cookham Moor.

Cold Tub

2 x 3 mins

Take your time to lower yourself into the water, focusing on your breathing and the sensation of the cold water against the body. Each of the 2 cold water dips will be for around 3 minutes.


2 x 3 mins

The easy part - enjoy the sauna and the relaxation you experience as your body warms up and int sauna. This 3 minute section (repeated twice) always seems to go more quickly than the cold dip.

Interested to find out more? Do get in touch..

We'd love to discuss any thoughts you may have and how we can support you.