Life Tonic - Staying Hydrated

In a previous post, we outline the range of benefits of staying hydrated. The theory sounds all very good, however, it can be hard to get started.

Some to these tips may sound obvious, and you may be doing them already, but I'd like to think there will be a few new options that you aren't doing at the moment....

Do let us know if you think we've missed some good ones.

10 Ways To Stay Hydrated

1. Have some water when you get up

Try having some water before the first cup of coffee or tea first thing in morning. We like to have a hot lemon water first thing followed by a coffee.

2. Sip water throughout the day

Having a desk job makes this feel easier as you can keep a glass or a bottle with you throughout the day. If you are constantly on the move, then keep a bottle close by (preferably reusable to reduce the environmental impact).

3. Set reminders

If you are the kind of person that gets caught up in things, set a reminder on your smart device to prompt you to take a sip of water.

4. Have a glass of water before each meal

This will help your body digest your food more easily but also make you feel full faster (so twice the benefit!).

5. Mix it up

Fresh lemon and lime add some extra flavour. Try to avoid using flavour that adds sugar. Go wild and have some sparking water...

6. Check the colour of your urine

If the colour of your urine is dark yellow, then it can be a sign that you are dehydrated and need to have more water.

7. Swap fizzy drinks for sparkling water

Not only will you reduce your sugar intake but you'll be hydrating the body.

8. Monitor your caffeine and alcohol intake - both can increase your levels of dehydration.

9. Set a daily goal

Knowing what you have drunk, and what you need to drink, will help you make sure you achieving your goals. It will also help you track any changes in how you feel. The general recommendation is 8 glasses of water every day (roughly 2 litres per day).

10. Tap water is fine!

Particularly in the UK, tap water is safe to drink. There maybe differences in taste across the country but this is more a personal preference factor than if it hydrates you.

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