Do you have a spare 20 minutes in your day?

Did you know that just 20 minutes of exercise per day can benefit your physical and mental wellbeing?

In my mind, it's great knowing that being active for 20 minutes can have such a broad range of benefits. And exercise need not mean heading to the gym or going for an epic bike ride. Being active could mean walking a bit further on your daily commute to walking to the shops. You also needn't have to do it all in 'one block' but try throughout the day as and when you have a moment.

Some of the tips above may seem pretty obvious or simple, however, in our busy lives it may feel hard to carve out the time to dedicate to being active. The point is, if you are able to integrate your activity into your daily routine then you are are more likely to be able to make it an ongoing long term habit.

8 Benefits Of 20 Minutes of Exercise

Boosted Mood and Energy Levels

20 minutes of physical activity releases endorphins, the feel-good hormones, leaving you with a positive outlook and increased energy to conquer your day.

Improved Cardiovascular Health

A short daily workout significantly contributes to a healthier heart. It strengthens your cardiovascular system, lowers blood pressure, and enhances overall circulation, reducing the risk of heart disease.

Enhanced Cognitive Function

Regular physical activity has been linked to improved cognitive function, sharper memory, and increased creativity. So, a workout is great for both your body and your brain.

Better Sleep Quality

Sleep has featured several times in our's important! A regular (short - 20 mins) exercise routine can be enable a more restful night with better sleep.

Stress Reduction

Exercise acts as a powerful stress reliever, reducing cortisol levels and promoting a sense of calm, offering you an escape from your daily responsibilities.

Weight Management

Whether your goal is shedding a few pounds or simply staying fit, dedicating 20 minutes a day makes a significant impact over time. At MyLifeTonic we look at weight loss more as an added benefit of adopting new habits rather than the goal; however, we are all motivated by different things.

Increased Productivity

Regular exercise has been linked to heightened productivity and improved concentration, helping you get on top of your daily responsibilities.

Long-Term Health Benefits

Establishing a regular exercise routine (or habit) really contributes to overall health, reducing the risk of chronic conditions like diabetes, osteoporosis, and certain cancers.

Finding The Time To Exercise

20 minutes may seem a lot at this point - however, a few simple tips can make it seem more achievable

1. Do it with a friend (to offer support and motivation - when you need it)

2. Do something you enjoy - it will be easier....

3. Find a regular time to do it - maybe a lunchtime walk, walk to work as part of your commute

4. 'Get it out of the way' - I do most of my exercise in the morning for this every reason!Let us know now you get on and hopefully you'll be able to find a regular routine that works for you

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