Do You Need a Digital De-Tox?

First and foremost, technology has enabled so many positive interactions in both work and personal situations.

However, when does technology become too much?

We also need to appreciate that technology is an integral part of all our lives - so finding ways to do it sensibly, similar to our diets for example, is an important part of our daily routine - for adults and our future generations. (In fact it may be more important to establish sustainable long term routines for our children as technology will be an ever present factor in their lives).

When we think of technology usage we should consider more than just our phones, but also ipads, laptops, TV's and time spent gaming.

Why you may need to digitally detox

Too much technology could be having the following impact

  • Affect your sleep - both quality and quantity
  • Reduce the amount of exercise you do
  • Mean you spend less time socialising with friends and family face to face
  • Experiencing issues concentrating
  • Impaired emotional and social resilience

Tech Addiction is linked to depression and anxiety.

Technology can undoubtedly help keep friends and family connected if they live far apart and can also facilitate social interactions in some instances (in COVID lockdown in our case as a family).

Ultimately, if you think your work or personal life, finances or social interactions are affected by your time on technology - then you are probably spending too much time on it.

Quitting social media has, for example been seen to have a positive impact when trying to manage stress and anxiety whilst also improving mood and sleep.

Is reaching the phone the 1st or last thing you do each day?

Is a detox something I should think about?

Do you do any or some of the following...

  1. Reach for your phone first thing in the morning
  2. Compare yourself with others on social media
  3. Does looking at your phone give you anxiety?
  4. Do you answer work emails in family time
  5. Have to phone with you when eating
  6. Miss parts of plays, films or conversations as you are on the phone
  7. Allow notifications wake you up?
  8. Miss deadlines as you've spent too much time online
  9. Can not sit alone - without having the phone with you

Tips on how to digitally detox

A bit like coffee or alcohol - maybe cutting back rather than stopping all together is more realistic. Similarly, reducing your tech use may be more realistic

  1. Know how much time you spend on technology - our phones can provide this information
  2. Set limits on various social media platforms and apps
  3. Schedule time away or 'offline' throughout the day
  4. Take breaks away from technology - maybe start with a half day and then a full day - see how it goes
  5. Delete apps that you spend / waste too much time on
  6. Downgrade your phone - so that it only makes calls or texts
  7. Turn off /on at specific times each day
  8. Don't take the phone to certain rooms - like the bedroom

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