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Starting 2024 with a WOOP!

In 2023 I took the time to complete the Science of Wellbeing course offered online by Yale University. I really can't recommend it enough (Ongoing Learning - in whatever context is a great way to help maintain a positive mental health). WOOP was just one of the many concepts that I was introduced to and have since looked into in ab it more depth.

At the start of a new year it can be a time of reflection of each of us. I think it is a fair assumption that most of ultimately want to be happy and maintain a positive sense of wellbeing. It's doesn't feel too much to ask for does it?

As you may have noticed from a number of my recent post about the 5 Pillars of WellbeingCreating Lasting Habits; I find understanding different frameworks really helpful. WOOP is another one of those frameworks that may help.

Positive thinking is a powerful tool and the WOOP framework helps to give a sense of structure. Wishing for success and happiness isn't enough; a structured approach can help turn your aspirations into reality. In my mind WOOP is a practical and evidence-based framework that can help you set and achieve your goals while maintaining happiness and wellbeing; the two need not conflict with each other.

In this blog, we'll outline what WOOP is and how it can provide practical ways to apply it in your day-to-day life.

What Is WOOP?

WOOP stands for Wish, Outcome, Obstacle, Plan. It's a goal-setting and mental contrasting technique developed by psychologist Gabriele Oettingen. The framework is based on scientific research and aims to help individuals achieve their goals and maintain a positive outlook. Here's how it works:

  1. Wish: Begin by identifying a meaningful, realistic wish or goal that you'd like to achieve. It could be related to your personal or professional life, health, relationships, or any other aspect of your wellbeing.
  2. Outcome: Visualize the best possible outcome associated with your wish. Imagine what it would look and feel like if you successfully achieved your goal. Be specific and vivid in your mental imagery.
  3. Obstacle: Now, shift your focus to the potential obstacles or barriers that might stand in the way of your goal. What challenges or difficulties could arise? It's important to be honest and realistic about these obstacles.
  4. Plan: Finally, develop a plan to overcome the obstacles you've identified. Create a series of "If-Then" statements that outline specific actions you will take when faced with these challenges. This helps you prepare for setbacks and stay on track toward your goal.

It strikes me that the saying 'Fail to plan, plan to fail' seems to link nicely with WOOP. We can all have wish and outcome but we need to anticipate what may prevent us from achieving our wish and outcome. Utlimately, preparing for potential scenarios will enable us to stay focused on working towards the outcome.

Applying WOOP in Your Day-to-Day Life:

Having been introduced to the WOOP framework how can we practically apply it to enhance our own happiness and wellbeing:

1. Define Your Wishes:

Start by identifying the key areas in your life where you want to improve your happiness and wellbeing. Whether it's improving your physical health, nurturing relationships, or advancing your career, clarifying your wishes is the first step.

2. Visualize Success:

Once you've identified your wishes, take some time to vividly imagine what achieving those goals would look and feel like. Close your eyes and immerse yourself in the positive emotions associated with success. Visualization can help strengthen your motivation and commitment.

3. Identify Obstacles:

Realistically assess the potential obstacles or challenges that might arise as you work toward your goals. It could be lack of time, self-doubt, external pressures, or anything that might hinder your progress. Be specific and honest in identifying these barriers.

4. Develop Your If-Then Plan:

The "If-Then" planning process is a crucial aspect of WOOP. Create a series of contingency plans that outline what you will do when you encounter obstacles. For example:

  • "If I feel too tired to exercise after work (obstacle), then I will pack my gym bag in the morning and go straight to the gym before going home (plan)."
  • "If I encounter resistance from a team member during a project (obstacle), then I will schedule a one-on-one meeting to address their concerns and find a solution (plan)."

5. Stay Accountable:

Share your goals and WOOP plans with a trusted friend, family member, or mentor. Having someone who can hold you accountable and provide support can significantly increase your chances of success.

I know that having verbalised an intention with friends (usually around doing an event) it really does help me stick to the training that I need to do so that I can complete (and enjoy) whatever it is that I am planning to do.

6. Monitor and Adapt:

Regularly review your progress and make adjustments as needed. If you encounter unexpected obstacles or your circumstances change, be flexible in adapting your plans while keeping your ultimate goals in mind.

From a sporting or training perspective, the best laid plans can be disrupted by an injury or work commitments. There are somethings that you can not change, but it's how you deal with them that's important. if you are unlikely to achieve a given time in an event then perhaps you change your expectation and focus on enjoying the event rather than the time...

7. Celebrate Small Wins:

Recognize and celebrate your achievements, no matter how small. Acknowledging your progress can boost your motivation and reinforce your commitment to maintaining happiness and wellbeing.

A Summary of WOOP

The WOOP framework is a practical approach to setting and achieving your goals while fostering happiness and wellbeing. By defining your wishes, visualizing success, identifying obstacles, and developing concrete plans, you can navigate challenges with resilience and determination. Incorporating WOOP into your daily life, can help empower you to turn your aspirations into reality while maintaining a positive outlook on your journey towards happiness and wellbeing.

Similarly, being aware that achieving your wish can take time, it's also worth considering how small daily habits can help move you towards (and ultimately) to achieving your desired outcome.

Have a great 2024.

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