Colleagues struggling with mental health issues is a real thing in today's work place - and something that really can not be ignored; for the sake of individuals and the ongoing health of the business.
In previous posts I've highlighted the impact of Presenteeism and Absenteeism.
Should a colleague be struggling with their mental health, then both issues may also need addressing.
You may also find the scale of the issues surprising.
19% of women in full time employment experience mental health issues each year.
I think that it's certainly worth taking a moment to absorb this stat - almost 1 in 5 females working full time struggle with there mental health each year.
To put this in context, this rate is double the rate of men - so 10%. Whilst men suffer less with mental health issues in the work place - even that seems a high percentage don't you think.
The only conclusion that can be taken by the stats is that mental health is a real issue within the work place that needs to be addressed.
When you add in the fact that mental health issues are the cause of 12% of work absences it makes the case for organisation wellness programs all the more compelling for all employees.
Mental health is not a gender-specific challenge; it affects everyone, regardless of gender. However, the statistics reveal that women often bear a heavier burden. Knowing the impact of mental health issues in the work place it becomes more obvious that there is a clear need for workplaces to offer mental health and wellbeing support that cater to the unique needs of all employees.
Workplace wellness programs play a pivotal role in creating an environment where mental health is a priority. Perhaps one of the challenges is that within most (if not all) workplaces there is a diverse range of people from sex, gender and age - to name a but a few differences. Ideally, any wellness programs need to offer a diverse range of options for colleagues to access from;
In our previous blog, we've outlined the 5 Benefits of Wellbeing for Mental Health
It's not just about acknowledging the statistics but taking concrete steps to take that first step and change. If you have any questions about setting up a program to support colleagues of your organisation please do get in touch