Reducing Recruitment Costs with Wellbeing

How Wellbeing Programs at Work Can Reduce Recruitment Costs

Recruitment costs are one of the major expenses for employers, especially in a competitive and dynamic labour market.

Finding, hiring and retaining qualified and talented employees can be challenging and costly, especially when there is a high turnover rate. One of the ways to reduce recruitment costs is to invest in wellbeing programmes at work that support the

  • Physical health
  • Mental wellbeing
  • Social health of employees

Wellbeing programmes can help employees prevent and manage health issues, cope with stress, improve their work-life balance and feel more engaged and valued at work.

What Are Wellbeing Programmes at Work?

Wellbeing programmes at work are a set of initiatives and activities that aim to improve the health and wellbeing of employees in the workplace. Wellbeing programmes can cover various aspects of wellbeing, such as:

  • Physical health: providing health screenings, coaching, education, incentives, policies and facilities that encourage employees to adopt healthy behaviours, such as eating well, exercising regularly, sleeping enough and avoiding smoking and alcohol abuse.
  • Mental health: raising awareness, reducing stigma, providing support and resources for employees who are experiencing mental health challenges, such as anxiety, depression or burnout.
  • Social health: fostering a positive and supportive work culture, promoting teamwork and collaboration, facilitating social events and activities, creating opportunities for feedback and recognition.
  • Financial health: offering financial education, guidance and assistance for employees who are struggling with money issues, such as debt, budgeting or saving.
  • Work-life balance: enabling flexible working arrangements, providing childcare support, encouraging employees to take breaks and holidays.

How Can Wellbeing Programmes Reduce Recruitment Costs?

Wellbeing programmes can reduce recruitment costs by addressing some of the main factors that influence employee turnover, such as:

  • Illness: a wellbeing programme can help employees prevent and manage chronic diseases, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular problems, that can lead to frequent or prolonged absences or disability.
  • Employees who are healthy and fit are more likely to stay in their jobs and perform better.
  • Stress: a wellbeing programme can help employees cope with stress and reduce its negative impact on their physical and mental health. Stress can cause or worsen various health conditions, such as headaches, insomnia, digestive problems, depression and anxiety. Employees who are less stressed and more resilient are more likely to stay in their jobs and perform better.
  • Motivation: a wellbeing programme can help employees feel more engaged and satisfied with their work, which can increase their loyalty and commitment to the organisation.
  • Employees who feel valued, appreciated and supported by their employer are less likely to look for other job opportunities or quit their job.
  • Productivity: a wellbeing programme can help employees improve their productivity and efficiency at work, which can increase their contribution and impact to the organisation.
  • Employees who are healthy, happy and focused are more likely to perform better and meet their goals.

In Summary

A wellbeing programme is not only beneficial but essential for reducing absenteeism at work. By investing in employee wellbeing, employers can save money, improve productivity, enhance reputation and attract talent. A wellbeing programme is not a one-time initiative but an ongoing commitment that requires leadership support, employee involvement and continuous improvement.

At My LIfe Tonic we like to work in partnership with our clients to support colleagues throughout the year with a series of activities scheduled throughout the year

  • Lunch & Learn sessions - covering topics such as 5 Pillars of Wellbeing, Mental Health, Establishing Lasting Habits
  • Desk yoga
  • 'Mat Yoga'
  • Challenges
  • Wellbeing and Mental Health initiatives

Contact us if you'd like to find out more about how we can support you and your colleagues.

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